Thanks for your time and thanks for making all these cool mods.
I just don't know if this mod was considered with that module. I know Lumpinou is aware of your mods, because in one of the posts for one of the mods Lumpinou recommended your Personality Please. I checked the pregnancy chances and they are similar to what I chose for yours, but there is only one option, but is not my preference, and that does concern me that they will stack as you said yours will increasing the odds to around twice what I have them at, so it feels like I need to choose and I currently want your mod more, but I figured I'd asked if you knew how these two mods would interact. The option for sterilization is also interesting. Looking at that what interests me is the condoms and specifically the ability for a couple to decide if they want to use them or not and the chance of WDTs. The one I am worried about is Lumpinou's WooHoo Wellness & Pregancy Overhaul, Module #2 which deals with pregnancy chances. I already removed MCCC Woohoo from the list of mods I want in game, because I like your mods better, so also not an issue. Too bad there isn't something that just has those), so I don't expect it to cause troubles, and you did say they are compatible. With Wonderful Whims I'm just going to turn most things off (I wouldn't even get it, but I want the personality types. I've been putting off putting this mod and some others in my game, because I'm afraid of how they will interact.